Categorie: Artikelen (EN)

  • The Liberation of the Netherlands

    Judith Moore and I were visiting on my 55th birthday. She brought in information from the Council of Light of the Elohim about the Netherlands.  I feel it is relevant to the situation now. The Councils of Light said: ‘The existing energy structures in the Netherlands are devastating to the future of this planet and humanity.…

  • Kryon: Completing the Circle

    Greetings, dear ones, I’m Kryon of magnetic service. Channeling is not always the same, for my partner it’s not always the same. The messages are sometimes tailored for those in the chairs. The agreement with my partner is that all recording will be done of all messages, all the time. Sometimes they are so personal…

  • The Rose Window Crop Formation

    Since Bert Janssen had a whole story around the Lady of Guadalupe that involved the crop formation of August 12, 2009, I included a picture of it, when Judith Moore asked me which crop circles of 2009 had been important. On February 12, 2011 I received five transmissions related to crop circles of 2009. There was…

  • The Buddha of Compassion

    Lord Sananda is the source of the Christ vibration of compassion. He spoke through Judith Moore: ‘Today is July 20, 2009. The Ascended Masters hold Earth’s ascension pathway. There are three powerful cosmic rays moving into the Earth’s energy field at different angles and from different parts of cosmic consciousness, which is the mind of master…

  • The Rainbow Bridge

    The year 2008 has been a turning point for humanity. We had crossed the paradigm threshold. That became in particular clear through the election of Barack Obama. Shortly after his inauguration on January 20 as president of the US, Judith Moore received a transmission in which it was stated that the Awakeners now formed a…

  • Return of the Morning Star

    Initiating the 2013 Eagle Count Time Spell Laiolin through Judith Moore: ‘The formulas in this crop circle are the time frequencies of the new 2013 Galactic Time Spell of the New Calendar of Creation. The old 2012 Calendar system is ending. This crop circle contains the Galactic Time Codes that enter the Earth holographic fields as resonant…

  • Beyond Quantum Physics

    My mother stimulated me into the direction of astronomy and physics. I had asked for a book about what did exist, but could not been seen. I could have meant the unconscious. But I received a book about the cosmos. From that moment on I wanted to know the secret of the cosmos. During the…

  • The Power of the Living Grail

    Judith Moore: The Grail is the Key, the Cosmic Key encoded in the Earth by the God Force. This encodement is primed for Genesis. Just as the DNA of new life is encoded for Genesis, the Earth is encoded in the same bio organic force of Creation. The DNA of the planet is specific because…

  • Transformation of All Suffering

    According to the transmissions of Judith Moore there were two tombs involved in the process of the resurrection of the Christ. One belonged to Joseph of Arimathea and the other one was the tomb of Lazarus in Bethany: ‘Jesus was placed in the grave of Joseph of Arimathea.  Later that night, Joseph came with Mother…

  • John Bell and the Pauli-effect

    When the depth psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in 1937 gave his Terry Lectures at Yale University in New Haven, it became clear that the world of alchemy was as alive as ever. Jung commented on three dreams by Wolfgang Pauli, taken from the period when he had been in analysis with Erna Rosenbaum and Jung…